in awe of the great mystery
Billy J. Jones
Interest in Natural Health & Healing
Born in Toronto, Canada, Billy moved to Australia in 1964 after his father died in a plane crash. He grew up on a farm in northern NSW and just after his 18th birthday, bought a yacht to live aboard and go sailing.
While living on the boat, he read the Essene Gospel of Peace, an ancient manuscript over 2000 years old, translated into english, which contained a simple, practical formula for health, healing and wellbeing.
International Biogenic Society, Orosi, Costa Rica
Inspired and curious, Billy hopped on a plane to Los Angeles and backpacked across Central America to Costa Rica to try and meet the author of the Essene Gospel of Peace, Edmond Bordeaux Szekely. Although Edmond had died before he could meet him, his teachings on health, ancient civilisations and the Essenes, created a foundation for Billy’s lifelong interest in biogenic (life generating) living, cosmology, philosophy, meta and quantum physics.
USA and the Living Foods Lifestyle
With a keen interest in the raw foods lifestyle, Billy travelled to Boston, USA in the 1980’s to live and work with Ann Wigmore, a pioneer of the learn-by-doing, living foods (raw vegan) lifestyle, originator of the use of wheatgrass juice for health and co-founder of the Hippocrates Health Institute. He worked with Ann, helping guests with their health goals and became an instructor of the Hippocrates ‘Living Foods Lifestyle’ Programme.
Ylang Ylang Beach Resort, Montezuma, Costa Rica
After completing his work with Ann, Billy travelled to Costa Rica again and worked at a health retreat in Montezuma, later renamed the Ylang Ylang Beach Resort. This trip to Costa Rica was also the time of his many experiments with water fasting and living on a diet of tropical fruits.
Seaside Health Retreat, Gold Coast, Australia
After returning to Australia from Costa Rica, Billy met his future wife Wendy. Together they opened the Seaside Health Retreat on the Gold Coast. The retreat offered a comfortable beachside living, learning-by-doing, health and fitness program based on:
- Essene biogenic lifestyle and philosophy
- Earth, air, water and sun healing
- Hippocrates Living Foods lifestyle programme
- Fruit-rich diet, detoxification and water fasting
Natural Hygiene and Fasting, Burnett, Texas US
Wendy and Billy were married in New Zealand and then embarked on an 18-month honeymoon adventure, sailing, hiking and traveling to many countries. At the end of their travels they lived and worked with Natural Hygiene educator and author TC Fry at his Health Retreat in Burnett, Texas. Wendy and Billy assisted guests during their water fasting and helped others in their transition to raw/living foods. TC’s teachings were the basis for the 1985 New York Times bestselling book “Fit for Life”.
GAIA Fiji, Coral Coast, Viti Levu
After becoming a SCUBA Diving Instructor (PADI) and Offshore Sailing Instructor (AYF), Billy, along with Wendy and new son Ben travelled to Fiji for a new adventure and opportunity to restore the abandoned 96-acre ‘Coral Village Beach Resort’. Wendy and Billy were working to transform the resort into a health retreat, permaculture training centre and eco-adventure getaway. They set up accomodaton in 12 ‘bure’ huts, a backpacker’s dormitory, beachfront camping area, restaurant, SCUBA diving and trekking programs. The name was changed to Gaia Fiji and the resort was up and running. After a few years developing the resort, it was time to leave and they moved to Wendy’s home town in New Zealand. The resort was later sold and became Wellesley Resort.
Permaworld Foundation, Nelson, BC, Canada
After Wendy died in a car accident in New Zealand, and with 3-year-old Benjamin and 9-month-old new daughter Jasmine (Jazzy) to raise alone, Nelson, BC, Canada became a new home for a fresh start. While in Nelson, Billy founded the non-profit Permaworld Foundation and launched a fundraising program to financially support environmental groups. Over 140,000 members joined and donations were sent to a variety of organisations.
While living in Nelson, Billy setup PermaHOST, a web hosting and domain name registration service and launched an online exchange service for E-Gold with a privately branded Permaworld ATM card. While working with Nelson Cares, a local NGO, he opened the Earth Matters ECO Store, staffed by people with special needs and helped develop Columbia Community Dollars, a local currency project,
Permaworld Retreat
After moving back to Australia and with Ben and Jazzy living on their own, Billy relocated to Phuket, Thailand in early 2017. In 2019 plans were underway to open a health retreat with a friend near Phuket Airport. When the COVID restrictions began, the opening date for the retreat in 2020 was put on hold and a new retreat idea was being explored to open in Bonogin, on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
Hiking Adventures & Music
In October 2022, Billy began some new long distance thru hiking adventures which will continue into the future. The trips are open for others to join in and explore new parts of the planet. If interested, let him know. When not hiking, among other pursuits, he enjoys playing guitar, singing and writing story songs.
With Norma Nilsen Bordeaux, wife of Edmond Bordeaux Szekely at the International Biogenic Society, Orosi Valley, Costa Rica.
In the micro greens and wheatgrass sprouting room at the Ann Wigmore Foundation, Boston, with Victoras Kulvinskas, co-founder of Hippocrates Health Institute
Seaside Health Retreat brochure late 1980’s
Wendy and Billy water fasting on Saba Island 1990, during a sailing trip through the Caribbean islands
With friend, mentor and Natural Hygiene advocate TC Fry, in Austin, Texas, USA
Coral Village Beach Resort and transformation into GAIA Fiji
Permaworld’s privately branded ATM Card
Permaworld donations used to purchase 1000 acres in the amazon.
Morning workout, Surin Beach, Phuket, Thailand 2020
Benjamin, Jasmine and Billy. Gold Coast, Queensland
Hiking the Te Araroa trail in New Zealand 2023