T. C. Fry
1926 -1996
T. C. Fry, Champion of Natural Hygiene, Passes On – by David Klein
©1998 by Living Nutrition Health Education Center. World rights reserved.
The Natural Hygiene movement lost its clearest voice, most brilliant writer and most prolific health counselor with the passing of T. C. Fry on September 9. And many people, including Roe and I, lost a dear friend. T. C. Fry was 70. He left far too early, and his death was a shock to many whose lives he touched with his compassionate high-spirited ways.
There were many details regarding T. C. Fry’s death, but in perspective the cause was overwork. T. C. Fry was probably more passionate than anyone on the health scene in getting the message out to health seekers about how to eat their natural diet and live healthfully. Even in his difficult final days, T. C. Fry was most concerned with counseling and corresponding with others, writing his newsletter and preparing to fulfill his dream of creating the Shelton College of Health Sciences in Honduras.
The lesson to be learned from the manner of T. C. Fry’s death is obvious. Rather than search for an answer to why he did not completely adhere to his teachings, let us reflect on his life and enormous accomplishments, and move forward with renewed conviction to live the healthful lifestyle T. C. Fry espoused.
It was in 1970 when T. C. Fry made his “great health discovery” in his reading Naturopathic Doctor Herbert Shelton’s Superior Nutrition, wherein the principles of Natural Hygiene are revealed. He instantly adopted a hygienic lifestyle, overcame many long standing health problems and embarked on a path which lead him to acquire perhaps more factual information about health and nutrition than anyone in history, and to become a giant on the health scene, teaching Natural Hygiene with devoted fervor.
T. C. Fry was a voracious researcher and scholar of the sciences of nutrition, physiology and healing. He put all his wealth of information into guiding thousands from illness to health, and his work saved many lives, including this writer’s. He usually did it for little or no compensation, and what profits he did earn he usually put back into the printing and mailing out of more of his literature to health seekers.
An eighth grade dropout, T. C. Fry was entirely self-taught, with Dr. Shelton’s works as his foundation. “It’s better to be ignorant than to have learned so much that isn’t so,” was his favorite retort to those conven-tionally miseducated nutritionists and med-ical doctors whose criticisms and challenges he loved to face head on. By way of his keen intellect and eloquent speaking and writing skills, he made many people see things in a different light, a more truthful light.
Many people were introduced to T. C. Fry via his Healthful Living magazine which flourished in the 1980’s to the tune of 30,000 subscribers at its peak. Many folks agree that Healthful Living was the most inspirational health periodical we’ve ever seen. T. C. Fry’s articles were full of life, explained health remarkably clearly, and literally taught us how to think for ourselves, inspiring us to take the initiative we needed to live healthfully. Healthful Living was the forerunner of T. C. Fry’s most recent magazine, The Wellness Messenger, both of which watered the seeds of inspiration for my health writing career, and set the standard to which I shall always hold myself.
Also among T. C. Fry’s enterprises were a hygienic fasting center in Texas, and his 1988 book, The Great Aids Hoax. He believed that Aids is “the most fiendish and murderous scheme in history.” Indeed, T. C. Fry lived by Dr. Shelton’s bromide, “Let the truth be told even if the heavens fall.” T. C. Fry also wrote several dozen health booklets which he compiled in his “Basic Health Library”, and he produced videos.
T. C. Fry’s greatest contribution was the 108-lesson Life Science / Natural Hygiene course he masterminded in 1982 and offered through the Life Science Institute in Texas, for which he originally served as President. Many believe that the course stands as the most factual/informative/ readily understandable/practical/beneficial course in the life sciences the modern world has ever seen, encompassing nutrition, health and healing. The course originally offered a Ph. D. which required a 9-month internship and a 15-day water fast (the greatest lessons in physiology/healing and the best preparation for fasting others are gained by fasting oneself). The Life Science Institute, now in the hands of a group of the school’s graduates, has to date graduated 4000 students, including Fit for Life authors Marilyn and Harvey Diamond, and the world-renowned motivational teacher author, Anthony Robbins. The course is reportedly also being taught today at a medical school in France.
In 1983 when I was very ill with colitis and didn’t think would live much longer, it was my greatest fortune to have discovered a Doctor of Natural Hygiene, Laurence Galant, trained by T. C. Fry. Laurence introduced me to Natural Hygiene and T. C. Fry’s course. One glorious night after studying the course I beheld a healing vision and the picture of my new health was revealed via T. C. Fry’s teachings of the fruitarian pathway to self-mastery. The next day, in one fell swoop changed my diet and lifestyle, and within 6 weeks I was symptom free! And free of medicines and doctors for good! During the next few years I worked diligently at rebuilding my depleted body, and when the times got tough I would call either Laurence or T. C. and find comfort in their affirming guidance.
Over the years I have given silent thanks each day to this lion-hearted man for my new life, and we have stayed in touch. will dearly miss our phone conversations, especially his big Texas-style “Well hello David!” greeting which always bowled me over with happiness. It was an honor to have shared his joy.
I think of T. C. Fry as the greatest health writer of all time, who gave so that we could feel the joy of living – and many others have echoed these sentiments. In Roe’s words:
“I never met T. C. in person, but we had many wonderful conversations. He was always kind to me and very supportive of my work. His knowledge of physiology made me think and his sense of humor made me laugh.”
Many people will miss T. C. Fry’s joyous amiable ways, his highspirited joke telling, his indomitable courage, and his unfaltering service when we needed health guidance. A while back, he gave me permission to reprint his writings. And so I will help keep alive his brilliant teachings to help many more people who are searching for the clear truth about how to heal and become healthy.
It was T. C. Fry’s life work to reach all who were in need of his help, assisting them in healing and living a healthful lifestyle. He saw suffering and passionately worked to help people heal. He saw medical atrocities and boldly worked to right the wrong. The ultimate measure of his accomplishments are the living testimonials of those who, like myself, believe they owe their lives to him. In T. C. Fry’s own words, he did it all “for a compassionate, caring, happy and healthy world.