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Fruit and Fasting

why fruit?

Every cell in your physical body is created from the elements of the Earth. All the nutrients your body needs to thrive and stay vibrantly healthy are contained in the food that is provided freely and abundantly from the Earth’s garden.

Choosing which food to eat is simple. What grows naturally in the earth that looks good, smells good, tastes good and feels good when eaten is ideal. Fruit, by default, is the #1 choice, along with fresh leafy greens, nuts, seeds, herbs, spices and other tasty morsels.

  • Simplify: Pick, peel, cut and eat. Compost the leftovers and plant or spread the seeds in nature to propagate
  • Detoxify: Automatically detoxes your body of excess Fats, Acids and Toxins (F.A.T) and re-balances your body’s pH (acid/alkaline)
  • Nutrify: Provides your body with essential nutrients it requires for optimum cleansing, re-building and functionality
  • Beautify: If you are overweight, your body will eliminate excess fat and re-shape itself in ideal proportions. Eyes, skin and hair radiate a healthful glow
  • Rectify: Your body will initiate its own automated protocols for self-healing of dis-ease conditions
  • Gratify: Your body as it detoxifies and nutrifies, resonates its joyfulness, expressed as happiness and feeling good

See, feel and experience what happens when you increase the intake of fresh fruit on a daily basis.

Fresh juicy fruits …. Practical and powerful experiential tool used in the Navigator to regain and maintain your physical health.

Why increase the time between eating (fasting)?

Simplicity and benefits of extending the time between eating

Your body knows exactly how to heal itself, given the right conditions, which water fasting provides. It is like being on nature’s operating table with the finest microsurgeon at your service. You gain first hand experience and feedback as you remove food intake and drink only pure water, resting as much as needed and engaging in light exercise. You now can observe and monitor your body as it transitions to an enhanced mode of self-cleaning, self-constructing, self-preserving and self-healing. The fasting period, which is simply an extension of the time between eating, is a practical, health empowering protocol you can use on a regular basis.

Why eat fruit before fasting on water?

Eating only fresh fruits prior to a water fast prepares your body in the best way possible before drinking only water. Your elimination channels are in an optimal state for the deeper cleanse that water fasting provides.

Why eat fresh juicy fruit after fasting on water?

Breaking a water fast with fruit is a means for your body to transition from no food to the gentle, highly absorbable fruit nutrients. Sometimes, ending a water fast may initiate cravings for foods not ideal to eat, so at this time, close monitoring and support is sometimes needed for you to make this transition from fasting to fruits.

Transitioning to your preferred diet and lifestyle

After a few days on fruit, you can transition gradually to the most healthful diet that best serves your needs with fruit, best eaten alone, being the greatest proportion of the foods you eat on a daily basis for best long term health outcomes.

See, feel and experience what happens when you increase the time between eating on a regular basis.

Fasting …. Practical and powerful experiential tool used in the Navigator to revitalize and reset your physical health. 

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