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A creator’s toolbox … think differently

Tools of Change

The Tools of Change are derived from ancient Essene traditions and modern quantum physics. They are perspectives, principles and processes to think differently, feel differently and act differently in a world of constant change.

Applying the tools will take you from where you are, to where you want to be and provide a solid foundation for a life of love, freedom, happiness, health and wellbeing.

The Fortress and/or Prison of Beliefs

Many people live in a self-created fortress of their own negatively oriented thoughts and beliefs and/or locked in a prison of disempowering, unconscious parental, societal, governmental, educational, medical or religious beliefs they have been programmed with from birth.

Change can be difficult and often seems impossible because of these programs. This creates a perpetual cycle of the same, sometimes self-destructive, negative life choices, patterns and habits.

Thoughts – Beliefs – Choices – Habits

A choice can not be made without a feeling to initiate it and a feeling can not be felt without a thought that triggers it. Thinking differently is the first step to make changes. New thought processes can re-write your old programming with new beliefs that become the foundation for every new choice you make, action you take and habit you form.

Tools of Change

Love - Freedom - Happiness

  • Changing your patterns of thought and telling yourself a new story of what is possible in your life

  • Tuning out of mainstream media, dogma and ‘science’ and tuning into your intuitive curiosity

  • Masterminding and the ‘Socratic Method’ of observation, inquiry and questioning

  • The pathways of your thoughts to habits and choices from beliefs

  • The fortress/prison of beliefs and dismantling beliefs that do not serve you

  • Identifying problem-reaction-solution, fear, diversion, division and other techniques used to deceive, while manipulating thoughts, beliefs and choices

  • Inspiration, re-imagining and allowing the changes you desire

  • Symbology of the dot, circle, sectors and triangle (see above) and their significance

  • The flow and resistance of freedom
  • The Focus, Follow and Find formula

1. PermaWORLD

  • ALL-THAT-IS in existence that is Thinking (Energy) Feeling (Frequency) and Experiencing (Vibration) in the Permanent World of eternal duration
  • ALL are ONE ... The ONE is ALL
  • ALL are made of the ONE. Each particle is the complete and total ONE experiencing its unique existence as part of the ONE

2. Particle

  • The ONE that has always existed, exists now and will never not exist
  • The ONE that Thinks, Feels and Experiences the unconditional love, freedom, balance and expansion of existence
  • The ONE wise and masterful creator of its unique experiences

3. Projection

  • Interactive Mirror of Existence
  • Projecting the flow of energy that attracts your desired experiences
  • See it, Feel it, Be it and it IS

4. Presence

  • Now is the Perfect Moment
  • The one and only perfect moment in existence, between the past and the constantly changing future. In that moment, ALL is well

5. Purpose

  • Focus on the Good Feeling Thought
  • Feeling good, joyous, thankful and grateful with love and appreciation for all the experiences of each new moment

6. Path

  • Follow Your Excitement
  • Following your curiosity, desire, passion and what excites you in each moment until it excites you no more. Doing it again and again and again, forever, with no expectation of the outcome


  • Find Ways to be Kind and of Service
  • Being as powerful as you need to be, to do whatever you want to do while respecting each ONE's freedom to express their thoughts, feelings and what they choose to experience

Physical Health - Wellbeing

  • Loving your body as your body loves you unconditionally
  • 'Listening' to your body's communications, warning signs and signals
  • Maintain your baseline health....
    * Feeling good, happy and joyful
    * Free of aches, p
    ain, irritation and inflammation
    * Free of p
    ills, supplements and medications
    * S
    trong libido
    * Low body fat
    * Abundant energy
  • The progression of resistance and disease
  • How to reverse disease conditions
  • The poisons in drugs and vaccines

8. Earth

  • Increase Immersion in Nature
  • Living close to the Earth mother, provider and sustainer
  • Gardening, growing food, spreading seeds, creating forest gardens and edible landscapes
  • Caring for companion animals and all life
  • The joy and benefits of being barefoot
  • Tapping into the wisdom of trees

9. Air

  • Increase Intake of Pure Fresh Air
  • Animating the particles of physicality
  • Prana and the flow of life force

10. Sun

  • Increase Full Body Sun Exposure
  • Harvesting the energy of the sun
  • Sun light. moon light. star light & fire light
  • The first and last light of the day
  • Sun bathing and sun gazing
  • The negative effect of sunscreens
  • Full spectrum light and sunglasses

11. Water

  • Increase Intake of Pure Water
  • Sourcing the best sun charged water
  • Flow, resistance and the transportation of nutrients in and waste out of your body
  • Water memory, uses and treatments
  • Chlorine, fluoride and other harmful ingredients in most tap water

12. Eat

  • Increase Intake of Fresh Fruit
  • Fruit....your #1 Food and Medicine
  • Increase intake of biogenic (life generating) food from the Earth's Garden
  • Food zones and dietary needs
  • Removing Fats, Acids & Toxins (F.A.T.)

13. Move

  • Increase Activity to Move the Body
  • Walking, hiking, running and other activities you enjoy for body shaping, health and fitness
  • The lymphatic 'drainage' system

14. Rest

  • Increase the Time Between Eating (Fasting)
  • Fasting to rest bodily functions and reset them for optimal functionality
  • Relaxation, meditation, daydreaming, imagination and prayer
  • The midnight to daylight portal of expansive thought 
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